Sunday 25 January 2009

Calf Pain and Asthma..?!?!

Ok, this week has gone a bit strange for me... I always thought that the point of childhood asthma was that it was a CHILDHOOD thing.... but maybe I was wrong.. The running has been going really well but I have begin to experience a real tightness in my chest - but not every time I run...Hmmm what's that all about..??? I have experimented with the run training at different times of day but the tightness is hitting at random times... Need to keep an eye on this I think...

Now to the calf pain - again, came from nowhere.. and well, it's more of a deep ache that can't be massaged out. Now I think I've spotted the problem and it's a stupid reason - in my keenness to get the 6 days a week in I have inadvertently doubled the distance over the last 3 weeks - just goes to show that my body won't be pushed quicker than it wants to be..!

Now, early research has shown (otherwise known as a quick look up on Google!) that the problem lies in my soleus muscle... not that knowing that actually helps, it just makes explaining the injury sound like I know what I'm talking about. So a recommended 10 days off the running is the treatment plan I'm having to follow..

Lesson learned..? Keep a good eye on the mileage and don't be too keen to ramp it up.. and dont get too freaked when blood clots in the muscles are mentioned...

Well this has given me the opportunity to replace the running with swimming - Oh no, I'm not taking the time off - Not my style.....

Getting to really like the smell of Chlorine anyway...

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