Wednesday 14 January 2009

Training must be paying off..!!

After another week of '6 days training and 1 day off' (my new year commitment rather than the 'nah.. not today' routine!) I found myself at my Tri club weekly swim. Oh joy.. coach had another TT session planned to check our ongoing progress. Actually, I was quite pleased as I wanted to check if my new found commitment was having any benefit.... and I'm happy to say that it did - added good distance to the timed trial. Now please don't get too excited (as I am reading that you guys (and girls *ahem*!) are packing in some high distances... alas, I am a little behind you in volume and endurance, but I've made the mistake of trying to play the 'catch-up' game only to be dumped down with injury. Now, I'm more inclined to do the 'I'll get there in my own time' thing - much safer. Anyway, the 20 minute TT - I added another 100metres to the time - not bad for me and a good indication that the speed work and technique drills have produced what I wanted them to. Oh.. and I lapped two of my team mates...twice...!

More people are starting to ask about the swim and I'm getting that familiar 'are you mad..?' look. To be honest, it just makes me laugh...!

It is really interesting that some people can't get the idea that the swim is about the challenge and a test of my own endurance - yes it's going to be hard, no, I'm not guaranteeing that I will complete it. yes, my mind might turn in on itself and I might go slightly psychotic at the boredom of 1400 lengths of he same pool, But in some ways I want to have an experience that will take some work to get through. As I said before, this event will be for the Eve Appeal, a charity that is looking to find a cure for women suffering from gynaecological cancer and I really feel that I should experience some level of pain and discomfort during the event.

Does that sound slightly wierd...?? Hmmm.... I know what I mean anyway...

Plan for the next week? step up the training as per my program and move another week closer to the start of my 1/2 Ironman training schedule... and lots of swimming...!!

I think my family are starting to forget who I am.... maybe I need to plan something special to do with them..!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like training is going well and keeping you busy. I know how that is :)

    Good luck as you start training for the HIM!!
